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Lost 6 lbs in 5 days...Eating!
Posted by Bear900/CA of CA on 8/8/19 3:56pm Msg #31310
Puts me right back at par. Anything else will be gravy (sorry for the food reference).

Ill get right to the point. If interested try your own version. If your version doesn't work, give this one a try.

Goal (if you're a man or woman): moderate exercise and eating plenty of nutrient dense but low calorie food that will fill you up and keep you full. Excess fat will replenish the calorie deficit.

My daily activities:

I take a handful of vitamins and supplements before breakfast and handful of mineral supplements for bone health at dinner. I take a B-12 before I exercise in the morning.

6:15 AM - 30 minutes on the bike (mostly for my knee replacements) and for some cardio. Then 45 minutes of additional exercise using stretch bands and doing some beginner core exercises. You can find those on YouTube. The first day I could barely do these. You build up quickly if you push.

7:30 AM - Breakfast alternate between:
a) Eggs scrambled in olive oil (not butter) with spinach, onions of choice, peppers (any kind), maybe some mushrooms. The more vegies the better. No cheese!
b) Quick cook steel cut oats, no seasoning or milk. Cook first then add almond milk and nuke. I always add blueberries and strawberries and sometimes walnuts.
c) This morning I had a green smoothie though I don't recommend too much fruit in the smoothie.
d) Coffee with no cream or sugar. I use homemade almond milk seasoned with a date.

12:00 - Lunch: One full mango. All the sweetness you want to stave off cravings and will give you enough sugar energy until dinner.

In-between meals - plenty of water. I keep bottles all over the place. (wife: grr...)

4:00 PM (no later than 6:00 PM) Dinner - Veggie/salad bowl (quart size) with red quinoa and salmon (for protein and omegas)....daily. This I believe is the trick part. Ingredients I use:

baby kale and spinach with added salad mix if you have it. The first two are crucial to getting nutrients.
green peas
sliced black olives; stuffed green olives for extra taste
Artichoke hearts on occasion
red beats
sliced peppers
broccoli and cauliflower crowns
red onions
shredded carrots
sliced cucumber
I use a balsamic fig dressing from TJs.
Top with sliced almonds. sunflower seeds and crumbled walnuts

In one corner of the bowl a place about 1/2- 3/4 cup of red quinoa and about 2 oz of cold grilled salmon. Both were pre-cooked and put in containers as were the rest of the ingredients. It takes me about 5 minutes to fix dinner and about 35 minutes to eat it...slowly...enjoy...

Everything was prepped on Sunday when I began. Dinner will stuff you but not bloat you. You won't have additional appetite or craving and will sleep well at night. Best of all, no cooking dinner!

No alcohol (sorry).

Add in additional physical activities during the day I.E.: walking, or physical work activities.

I plan on keeping this going for another 3 to 4 pounds, knowing I will bounce back a few putting me back at par.

I don't view this a yo-yo diet but as training and fashioning a dietary and workout regimen that that my wife and I can template and maintain in some fashion for the rest of our years.

Best of health to you!
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Messages in this Thread
 Lost 6 lbs in 5 days...Eating! - Bear900/CA on 8/8/19 3:56pm
 Re: Lost 6 lbs in 5 days...Eating! -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/9/19 11:09am
 Re: Lost 6 lbs in 5 days...Eating! - anotaryinva on 8/12/19 6:42pm
 way to go! n/m -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/13/19 10:18am
 Good job! Congrats! - Bear900/CA on 8/13/19 3:12pm
 I met with a young man for notary work the other day -  MW/VA on 8/14/19 8:10pm

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