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Re: A few things I learned after buying digital certificate
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 3/1/22 12:54pm Msg #638546
I do not encrypt, nor do I digitally sign, emails. So far I have never encountered anyone who wanted to receive such emails, so I wouldn't have anyone to correspond with using that method.

I do encrypt Word documents occasionally, and attach them to emails. Years ago Word would let you encrypt a document using the recipients digital certificate, but that isn't allowed anymore. The only way to encrypt a Word document is with a password. It is possible for me to digitally sign a Word document, and I do that once in a while.

With Adobe Reader, you can digitally sign a document, but you can't encrypt it, neither with a password, nor with the recipient's digital certificate. I use a non-Adobe program when I want to encrypt a PDF.

With Adobe Acrobat, you can digitally sign, encrypt with the recipient's digital certificate, or encrypt with a password. But I don't have my own copy of Adobe Acrobat, and it's too inconvenient to drive to the volunteer organization where I have access to it. So I don't do anything with Adobe Acrobat except an occasional experiment.

I don't have any suggestions about other companies to get a digital certificate from.
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Messages in this Thread
 A few things I learned after buying digital certificate -  VT_Syrup on 8/13/20 10:50am
 Re: A few things I learned after buying digital certificate -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/13/20 10:53am
 Re: Thumbs up for IdenTrust support -  VT_Syrup on 8/13/20 11:18am
 Re: Thumbs up for IdenTrust support - Luckydog on 8/13/20 11:36am
 Excellent info on digital certificates. -  JanetK_CA on 8/13/20 4:12pm
 Re: A few things I learned after buying digital certificate - Rod Cameron on 3/1/22 10:35am
 Re: A few things I learned after buying digital certificate - VT_Syrup on 3/1/22 12:54pm

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