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Re: Just wondering.....
Posted by Harry [NR] of IA on 4/5/06 3:42pm Msg #111304
That is a function of how the map works. It is set up to not allow the overlapping of names. The names it displays are somewhat arbitrary. (That is, it decides what names it displays based on where the dots are.) The names will separate as you drill into the map and more will appear.

Notary Rotary, Inc.
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Messages in this Thread
 Just wondering..... - cyndi_ca on 4/5/06 3:28pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - BetsyMI on 4/5/06 3:36pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - cyndi_ca on 4/5/06 3:40pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - Harry [NR] on 4/5/06 3:42pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - cyndi_ca on 4/5/06 3:43pm
 Re: Just wondering..... -  Sher/AZ on 4/5/06 11:33pm
 Re: Just wondering.....Hummmm interesting never thought -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/5/06 3:36pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - Cornerstone Signing Service, Inc on 4/5/06 3:56pm
 Click on the city (blue dot) on the map. just tried it n/m - Lee/AR on 4/5/06 4:01pm
 Re: Click on the city (blue dot) on the map. just tried it - Cornerstone Signing Service, Inc on 4/5/06 4:12pm

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