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Re: Just wondering.....
Posted by BetsyMI of MI on 4/5/06 3:36pm Msg #111300
I also wondered something else when I went to the Search to see what you are saying. When I go to find a Notary and punch in my zip code, my name is shown as the second one on the Premier List.

But then there's a map at the top of the page, with red dots on it, I guess to show where the notaries are located. There are two names implanted on the map and they are both notaries listed in the Basic list. When I click on "update map" or whatever it says, it just still has two Basic members names.

Why is that Harry?
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Messages in this Thread
 Just wondering..... - cyndi_ca on 4/5/06 3:28pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - BetsyMI on 4/5/06 3:36pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - cyndi_ca on 4/5/06 3:40pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - Harry [NR] on 4/5/06 3:42pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - cyndi_ca on 4/5/06 3:43pm
 Re: Just wondering..... -  Sher/AZ on 4/5/06 11:33pm
 Re: Just wondering.....Hummmm interesting never thought -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/5/06 3:36pm
 Re: Just wondering..... - Cornerstone Signing Service, Inc on 4/5/06 3:56pm
 Click on the city (blue dot) on the map. just tried it n/m - Lee/AR on 4/5/06 4:01pm
 Re: Click on the city (blue dot) on the map. just tried it - Cornerstone Signing Service, Inc on 4/5/06 4:12pm

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