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I have done 4 signings for SS. All of them i was paid
Posted by las_CA of CA on 5/19/06 12:14pm Msg #121063
something that we both agreed on as fair. I have not signed and sent even one signle contract in. When one of the companies that called me said that I will need to sign their contract before they could send me the confirmation e-mail, I told them that they could find someone else. But a few minutes later I had the e-mail confirmation for the ammt agreed and I performed the signing, faxed to them my W9 and was paid within 10 days.

I did turn down a few signings that were ridiculous offers.

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 I really need HELP!!!! - mjv on 5/18/06 11:17pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Sher_AZ on 5/18/06 11:34pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - mjv on 5/18/06 11:37pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Sher_AZ on 5/18/06 11:40pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Sher_AZ on 5/18/06 11:41pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Anonymous from on 5/18/06 11:42pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - mjv on 5/18/06 11:45pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! -  Sher_AZ on 5/18/06 11:58pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - CaliNotary on 5/19/06 4:38pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Sher_AZ on 5/18/06 11:47pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - mjv on 5/18/06 11:53pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Anonymous from on 5/18/06 11:59pm
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! -  Sher_AZ on 5/19/06 12:00am
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - mjv on 5/19/06 12:03am
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! -  Sher_AZ on 5/19/06 12:04am
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Dee_Fla on 5/19/06 6:06am
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! - Anonymous from on 5/19/06 11:07am
 Re: I really need HELP!!!! -  Sylvia_FL on 5/19/06 11:29am
 I have done 4 signings for SS. All of them i was paid - las_CA on 5/19/06 12:14pm

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