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Quick $10
Posted by  Sylvia_FL of FL on 8/12/06 5:33pm Msg #138442
Had my husband drive me to the nail salon. He dropped me off and went to Home Depot. I was waiting to get my nails done, and the nail tech I usually have asked me if I could wait a half hour as someone had booked an appointment. (I usually "walk in" and don't have to wait long).
So, called my husband on the cell and asked if he could come back and pick me up and I would come back to the nail salon in 30 minutes.
When he picked me up he told me to call the number that had just called the cell phone, someone needed an "emergency" notarization.
Turned out this guy was at the post office which was closing in 15 minutes and he had a document that needed notarizing and it had to go in todays mail. Post office told him he would be lucky to find a notary at such short notice, but he had gone to the Pak N Ship place, thinking they had a notary there as most of them do. They gave him my card. The nail salon is just across the street from the post office, so I was able to get over to him within a couple of minutes. Did the notarization, made a quick $10, Went to Home Depot with my husband and back to the nail salon within the 30 minutes.
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Messages in this Thread
 Quick $10 -  Sylvia_FL on 8/12/06 5:33pm
 Re: Quick $10 - Melissa Algaze on 8/12/06 5:43pm
 Re: Quick $10 -  Sylvia_FL on 8/12/06 5:48pm
 Re: Quick $10 - LawrenceOK on 8/12/06 6:50pm
 Re: Quick $10 -  Sylvia_FL on 8/12/06 7:56pm
 Re: Quick $10 - Korey Humphreys on 8/12/06 10:08pm
 Have seal, will travel. Wire Sylvia, Palm Bay. Need to be... - Bob_Chicago on 8/13/06 9:37am
 Richard Boone - Paladin:) n/m -  Sylvia_FL on 8/13/06 9:39am
 You got it. Must be very mature - n/m - Bob_Chicago on 8/13/06 10:13am
 Must have seen it on re-runs:) -  Sylvia_FL on 8/13/06 10:22am
 Have Gun Will Travel reads the card of a man...A knight - Signing_Doc on 8/13/06 12:28pm
 Congrats, you remembered that very well, but, quick...... - Bob_Chicago on 8/13/06 4:12pm
 Re: Congrats, you remembered that very well, but, quick..... - Signing_Doc on 8/13/06 4:55pm
 Re: Congrats, ... Doc... -  BrendaTx on 8/13/06 4:56pm
 In the words of Michelle Tanner.."You Got It Dude!" n/m - Signing_Doc on 8/13/06 5:12pm

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