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Witness requirements depend on RECORDING state
Posted by  PAW of FL on 1/12/10 9:56am Msg #317703
If a CA deed is signed in Florida, two witnesses are NOT required, as you stated, Bob.

If a conveyance document has been executed and acknowledged in accordance with the laws of another state, it is acceptable for recordation and constructive notice in Florida if it is executed with the same formalities as those required for a deed executed in the State of Florida. Therefore, if the state in which the deed was executed and acknowledged does not require two witnesses to a conveyance, it will not be acceptable for recordation purposes in Florida.

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Messages in this Thread
 Does CA Quit Claim require two witnesses if signed in FL -  Shelly_FL on 1/12/10 8:40am
 Yes, all Deeds require 2 witnesses in FL. n/m -  jba/fl on 1/12/10 8:41am
 Re: Yes, all Deeds require 2 witnesses in FL. -  jba/fl on 1/12/10 8:46am
 Don't mean to question a Floridian on Fl Law, - Bob_Chicago on 1/12/10 8:52am
 In the words of the late, great Gilda Radner.. Never mind n/m - Bob_Chicago on 1/12/10 8:54am
 Re: Don't mean to question a Floridian on Fl Law, -  jba/fl on 1/12/10 9:09am
 Witness requirements depend on RECORDING state -  PAW on 1/12/10 9:56am
 Re: Does CA Quit Claim require two witnesses if signed in FL -  John_NorCal on 1/12/10 9:11am
 No No No No it does not - Julie/MI on 1/12/10 9:27am
 No No No No it does not - Julie/MI on 1/12/10 9:27am
 Thank you all for your input.. it never hurts to ask! n/m -  Shelly_FL on 1/12/10 12:07pm

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