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Re: For those of you who do a juggling act, how do you manage?
Posted by SharonMN of MN on 1/12/10 10:31am Msg #317711
I work 9-5:30 approximately an hour from home. My notary appointment hours are 7 - 10 pm (which is in all my profiles, although no one ever seems to look at that!) and I decline any appointments before then. I also tell people I need documents by 4 pm or I may not be able to make the appointment on time because my only window for printing is at 4 pm. (Note, I do not go on and on about my other job - I simply tell them I have other appointments and travel and I will only be in the office to print at 4 or after 6:30 - this is no different than if I had a 5 pm notary appointment.)

I do print docs at work on occasion - my boss knows this, and since I also work at home one day a week and do not charge the company for my home printer/toner/paper, which prints work docs all the time, it all works out fine.

Because of these restrictions, I usually only do a few jobs a month. I think the most I ever did in one month was 11, and 1-4 is probably a typical month.
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Messages in this Thread
 For those of you who do a juggling act, how do you manage? -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/11/10 12:41pm
 Re: For those of you who do a juggling act, how do you manage? -  jba/fl on 1/11/10 12:45pm
 Agree jba... - SReis on 1/11/10 1:41pm
 Re: Agree jba... -  Frances Kany on 1/11/10 2:37pm
 Re: For those of you who do a juggling act, how do you manage? -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/11/10 5:14pm
 It may be a loaded question - there have been many -  Susan Fischer on 1/11/10 10:05pm
 Re: For those of you who do a juggling act, how do you manage? - SharonMN on 1/12/10 10:31am

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