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Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie
Posted by Merry_NoCal of ? on 4/22/05 7:06pm Msg #33420
JMS - I think it's a great idea because I have been doing the same thing ;). As a homeowner I am bombarded with solicitations from lending companies, banks, mortgage brokers etc. I stopped tossing those in the trash and now also keep them - filed according to the type of company. I am not only a NSA but also a mortgage broker. These mailings at times give me good marketing ideas either in graphics, wording, target market etc.
Good luck!
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Messages in this Thread
 Newly Commissioned Newbie - JMS/OC/SoCal on 4/22/05 6:03pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie - Merry_NoCal on 4/22/05 7:06pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie - Tina_MI on 4/22/05 9:28pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie -  Sylvia_FL on 4/22/05 9:53pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie - ColleenCA on 4/22/05 10:17pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie - Jeanie-fl on 4/22/05 10:23pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie & Q for CA Notaries - JMS/OC/SoCal on 4/22/05 10:36pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie & Q for CA Notaries - Jeanie-fl on 4/22/05 11:10pm
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie-To Tina_MI - ssnotary on 4/23/05 8:55am
 Give me your zip code, I'll tell you how many in your area - Melody on 4/23/05 12:46am
 Re: Newly Commissioned Newbie....TO JMS - ssnotary on 4/23/05 8:52am
 Here's and idea that may save you a lot of moss and fuss - Dogmonger, Ca on 4/23/05 9:55am

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