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Re: To Susan... Body Language!!! You're soooooo right!
Posted by MaggieMae_CA of CA on 5/13/05 8:56pm Msg #37669
I almost died that night. Stupid me went out of control after the guy "walked" away with my purse. I got so angry and started screaming foul things at him. (I cussed like a sailor---Hey, I figured he was gone, he was around the corner after I started yelling... Just wanted to give him a piece of my crazy mind!)

Anyway, he comes back around the corner and points the gun at me. I put my arms up in the air (tail between my legs) and say, "I'll be quiet, I'll be quiet." He walked away, I went into my house and dialed 911.

Cops laughed when I told them what I had done and told me I was lucky. God is on my side and I'm doing my best not to cross him!
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Messages in this Thread
 Competition vs. Networking -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 10:30am
 Re: Competition vs. Networking - ERNA_CA on 5/13/05 10:57am
 Re: Competition vs. Networking - MaggieMae_CA on 5/13/05 11:09am
 Re: Competition vs. Networking -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 11:13am
 Good question... - MaggieMae_CA on 5/13/05 11:29am
 Re: Competition vs. Networking - MaggieMae - Sylvia_FL on 5/13/05 11:51am
 MaggieMae to Sylvia - MaggieMae_CA on 5/13/05 12:26pm
 PS to Sylvia - MaggieMae_CA on 5/13/05 12:33pm
 Re: PS to MM -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 1:08pm
 Re: MaggieMae to Sylvia -  Susan Axelrod on 5/13/05 1:23pm
 Susan... Body Language!!! You're soooooo right! - MaggieMae_CA on 5/13/05 3:00pm
 Re: Susan... Body Language!!! You're soooooo right! -  Susan Axelrod on 5/13/05 8:45pm
 Re: To Susan... Body Language!!! You're soooooo right! - MaggieMae_CA on 5/13/05 8:56pm
 Re: To Susan... Body Language!!! You're soooooo right! -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 11:46am
 Re: Competition vs. Networking - Anonymous on 5/13/05 7:30pm
 Re: Competition vs. Networking - TN NOtary on 5/13/05 3:43pm
 Re: Competition vs. Networking - chelleCA on 5/13/05 5:18pm

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