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Re: CA. Approved vendors
Posted by Jon of ? on 6/7/05 4:19pm Msg #43002
If you took the class and test in April, it is possible, although unlikely, that you will receive your commission before July 1. Before you take a course, call the SOS and find out which test date they are working on. They may be able to let you know if you need to take an approved class. The law says that the education requirement applies to all commissions issued on or after July 1. If your commission is issued before, you don't have to take the class, this time.

You are correct that many people who took classes will have to take an approved course as well. Unfortunately, many of the class providers did not understand the law and gave wrong info to their students(I know of one website that says if you take your test before July 1, you won't have to take an approved course). Some classes did say they will allow you take a free class after they are approved, assuming they will get approved.

The July 1 requirement has been in the law for over a year, all providers that are reputable should have been aware of it and let their students know that they may have to take another course.

Best Wishes
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Messages in this Thread
 CA. Approved vendors - Jay/CA. on 6/7/05 3:47pm
 I'm confused... - MaggieMae_CA on 6/7/05 3:55pm
 If I remember correctly, - MaggieMae_CA on 6/7/05 4:14pm
 Re: If I remember correctly, - Jon on 6/7/05 4:24pm
 Re: CA. Approved vendors - Jon on 6/7/05 4:19pm
 Re: CA. Approved vendors - Terri-CA on 6/8/05 1:45am

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