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I'm confused...
Posted by MaggieMae_CA of CA on 6/7/05 3:55pm Msg #42999
If you took the course and exam in mid April you would have 30 days from the passing of your exam to purchase your bond and go to the County Clerk's office to file it and take your oath. That means (I'm guessing) you should have been a notary by the end of May. What happened? Did you wait too long to file the bond and take your oath?

It seems to me that if the timing was correct you would have become a notary before the July 1 deadline.

Not passing judgment, just wondering if you're out of time.
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Messages in this Thread
 CA. Approved vendors - Jay/CA. on 6/7/05 3:47pm
 I'm confused... - MaggieMae_CA on 6/7/05 3:55pm
 If I remember correctly, - MaggieMae_CA on 6/7/05 4:14pm
 Re: If I remember correctly, - Jon on 6/7/05 4:24pm
 Re: CA. Approved vendors - Jon on 6/7/05 4:19pm
 Re: CA. Approved vendors - Terri-CA on 6/8/05 1:45am

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