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Re: first signing
Posted by  Joan Bergstrom of CA on 7/23/05 11:50pm Msg #54206
I teach for and I have a couple of questions?

Have you phoned all the companies you signed up and we teach what the other posters have suggested; don't go after Title/Escrow Companies untill you have many signings under your belt. Also you must put up a profile for anyone to call you from the advertising sites: etc.

Email me and I will take a look at the profile you have placed on the Advertising sites and perhaps I can help you?
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Messages in this Thread
 first signing - jan-ca on 7/23/05 2:51pm
 Re: first signing - SDgirl on 7/23/05 3:43pm
 Re: first signing - Brian/CA on 7/23/05 4:32pm
 Re: first signing - melody on 7/23/05 6:17pm
 Re: first signing - AnneSoCa on 7/23/05 6:39pm
 Re: first signing - CaliNotary on 7/23/05 6:50pm
 Re: first signing - Glena/NV on 7/23/05 7:25pm
 Re: first signing -  Joan Bergstrom on 7/23/05 11:50pm
 Re: first signing - kynotary on 7/24/05 10:53am
 Re: first signing - Anonymous on 7/24/05 8:57pm

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