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Re: IPEN Closing
Posted by JandB of VA on 6/24/22 4:48pm Msg #641040
I will close them if the math works. I already have everything I need. One problem I foresee is the time at the table since the signer will probably have control of the mouse so I can't control the pace of the closing. A 150 page package will take too long.
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Messages in this Thread
 IPEN Closing - Negrete on 6/23/22 8:19am
 Re: IPEN Closing - VT_Syrup on 6/23/22 9:00am
 Re: IPEN Closing - VT_Syrup on 6/23/22 9:17am
 The notary needs to have a laptop or IPAD, which I assume - grapebed on 6/23/22 11:13am
 Re: The notary needs to have a laptop or IPAD, which I assume - Negrete on 6/23/22 11:45am
 Re: The notary needs to have a laptop or IPAD, which I assume -  Yoli/CA on 6/23/22 11:49am
 Official digital seal / Official stamping device - VT_Syrup on 6/23/22 12:18pm
 Re: The notary needs to have a laptop or IPAD, which I assume - grapebed on 6/23/22 12:22pm
 Re: IPEN Closing -  Ilene C. Seidel on 6/24/22 10:02am
 Re: IPEN Closing - JandB on 6/24/22 4:48pm

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