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Anyone have a good option for HP printers?
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 10/17/23 9:19pm Msg #646985
It looks like Linkyo doesn't make compatible cartridges for HP printers and I'd love to find another alternative to LD Products. It's looking more and more like it's just a cr@p shoot, regardless of who we buy from when it comes to remanufactured cartridges - and it's tough to justify the cost of OEM. If anyone has found a good source, I'd love to hear about it.
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Messages in this Thread
 Remanufactured Toner -  Sue on 10/17/23 8:42am
 Re: Remanufactured Toner -  Yoli/CA on 10/17/23 11:32am
 Re: Remanufactured Toner - Ellis Tharp on 10/17/23 3:28pm
 I also use Linkyo products & buy through Amazon. I did have -  MW/VA on 10/18/23 10:17am
 Anyone have a good option for HP printers? -  JanetK_CA on 10/17/23 9:19pm
 Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers? - pdl/cali on 10/17/23 10:05pm
 Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers? - Susan/CA on 10/18/23 10:30am
 Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers? -  Yoli/CA on 10/21/23 8:06am
 Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers? -  JanetK_CA on 10/22/23 4:33pm
 Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers? -  Sue on 10/25/23 11:34am
 Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers? - Kellosh/CA on 10/30/23 2:19pm

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