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Re: unlimited Ink
Posted by Carol Ann Horne of FL on 1/13/24 2:20pm Msg #647556
I am totally done with this company I just did a seller signing for them for $65.00, I scanned and they said the deed and Alta had to be on Legal Paper so they made me go back and the only reason I went back is because the pepople had there truck loaded up and they were leaving tomorrow I did not want to ruin it for them. I have done about 10,000 closing in my career and mostlly the deeds are on regular paper beacaue the Counties charge more money to record legal size deeds. They also talk very condensing to you I have been in this business as a paralegal in NY, a realtor, a title closer and now I do mobile signings and this is the first time I was demanded to go back for papear size. Unbeliveable.
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Messages in this Thread
 unlimited Ink - Carol Ann Horne on 1/12/24 4:27pm
 Re: unlimited Ink -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/24 4:41pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - Carol Ann Horne on 1/13/24 2:20pm
 Re: unlimited Ink -  Yoli/CA on 1/15/24 8:55am
 Re: unlimited Ink - SteveS/CA on 1/15/24 12:13pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - SteveS/CA on 1/12/24 5:04pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - Rosemarie Marotta on 1/18/24 7:58am
 Re: unlimited Ink - Deborah Riley on 1/25/24 2:25pm
 Deborah that sounds about right. Also, they're SS listings - CPNS2006 on 1/30/24 8:11am

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