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Title 365 same as Avenue 365?
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 4/3/24 10:17am Msg #648125
Is Title 365 the same as Avenue 365, formerly Xome formerly SolutionStar, etc. as mentioned in Msg #646762?

When they "find" those supposed errors, is that affecting your fee or how do they want those errors corrected?

Do they use blast offers from their mobile app? What kind of fees are they offering for what scope of work?

TIA! Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 Title 365 - JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 9:31am
 Re: Title 365 - Michael Dosham on 4/3/24 10:07am
 Title 365 same as Avenue 365? -  Yoli/CA on 4/3/24 10:17am
 Re: Title 365 same as Avenue 365? - Michael Dosham on 4/3/24 10:50am
 Re: Title 365 same as Avenue 365? - JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 11:22am
 What kind of 'errors' are they talking about? n/m - Lee/AR on 4/3/24 12:41pm
 Re: What kind of - JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 5:09pm
 What a hodge-podge. Read 3 times & still not sure - Lee/AR on 4/4/24 7:29am
 Re: Title 365 - SteveS/CA on 4/3/24 10:50am
 Re: Title 365 - pdl/cali on 4/8/24 8:47pm
 Re: Title 365 - SteveS/CA on 4/10/24 3:20pm
 Re: Title 365 - Kellosh/CA on 7/17/24 3:14pm

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