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Re: Title 365 same as Avenue 365?
Posted by JMoniqueC of NH on 4/3/24 11:22am Msg #648132
Yes the Title 365 I'm referencing is formerly associated with Xome.

As silly as it is, the loophole of the errors disappearing when they receive the file was working until I was assigned a file that a return label wouldn't be provided until audit was passed.

This seemed a guaranteed way of having to make a return trip at my expense so I turned the file back. I explained that if a 22 year veteran of the industry who double checks the file at the end of the closing can't pass their sniff test with no less than 10 errors it would mean that I had just worked for free.

I hadn't noticed that I wasn't receiving offers from them until I received a generic email from them yesterday. I inquired if my account was still active and I was told that my account had been suspended because they didn't want to run into a situation where I refused to comply with a revision request.
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Messages in this Thread
 Title 365 - JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 9:31am
 Re: Title 365 - Michael Dosham on 4/3/24 10:07am
 Title 365 same as Avenue 365? -  Yoli/CA on 4/3/24 10:17am
 Re: Title 365 same as Avenue 365? - Michael Dosham on 4/3/24 10:50am
 Re: Title 365 same as Avenue 365? - JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 11:22am
 What kind of 'errors' are they talking about? n/m - Lee/AR on 4/3/24 12:41pm
 Re: What kind of - JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 5:09pm
 What a hodge-podge. Read 3 times & still not sure - Lee/AR on 4/4/24 7:29am
 Re: Title 365 - SteveS/CA on 4/3/24 10:50am
 Re: Title 365 - pdl/cali on 4/8/24 8:47pm
 Re: Title 365 - SteveS/CA on 4/10/24 3:20pm
 Re: Title 365 - Kellosh/CA on 7/17/24 3:14pm

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