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Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title
Posted by TxFox of TX on 6/6/24 8:02pm Msg #648592
I don't know if he sold, but on the coffee site several people also got the random email from another unpaid notary. Then a glowing review popped in.

To be honest sometimes I don't know what to believe on the coffee site. Here more users are more sage. My experience is this is a less commercialized forum. A bit retro and we are just here to talk shop.

Over there, there are sometimes these odd folks that pop in saying oh this new SS is so great when others are having payment difficulties. Its just odd seeing some of the glowing reviews that pop up on non-paying SS.

I guess it's fine so long as everyone gets paid, but I don't want to have to publicly blast a business to get paid. It feels like for some SS and law offices too, if I get vocal on a forum I get paid. Suddenly a member w/ no comment history comes on with a new contact and a shiny experience they got paid. I would even venture to say some have google images for their profile.

I just want to do the work and get paid. I only come on the forums about a bad experience when I have exhausted private options.

I feel bad for folks who don't have access to forums and just take the loss.
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Messages in this Thread
 ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - TxFox on 6/6/24 6:42pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - pdl/cali on 6/6/24 7:29pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - TxFox on 6/6/24 8:02pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title -  Doris_CO on 6/7/24 12:06am
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - SteveS/CA on 6/7/24 9:51am
 Good Suggestion SteveS - Anna Fox on 6/7/24 2:08pm
 As was mentioned in a subsequent message - Linda_H/FL on 6/9/24 11:27am
 ZigSig: how it works, direct from owner -  Yoli/CA on 6/11/24 2:03pm
 Re: ZigSig - Beware, name change & no pay, Independence Title - MariaMO on 6/27/24 4:37pm

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