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In fairness, that report is over a decade old.
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 8/19/24 3:33pm Msg #649102
At worst, it also looks like what was maybe a less than ideal way of handling an uninformed 'reader' at a loan signing. I'd take it with a grain of salt.

I did a little searching on Mr. Doren and found that he previously ran Diamond Star Notaries, a signing service that had 4 1/2 stars in Signing Central. His profile says he's now offering free advice on marketing. My gut tells me there's more to the story, that there's another angle there, but I have no idea what it is. Or maybe he's just giving back after years of success as a signing service? IDK, but maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt, at least for now.

[It says something pretty sad about this industry that we automatically assume the worst about someone in our field, doesn't it? But it's even sadder that those assumptions have usually proven to be correct... I hope this case is an exception to the rule.]

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Messages in this Thread
 LEARN to generate REVENUE in this slow market - PC Doren NOTARY Inc - Philipe C Doren on 8/17/24 4:33pm
 Reported for Advertising n/m - Linda_H/FL on 8/18/24 11:26am
 Bad guy - anotaryinva on 8/18/24 7:31pm
 Re: Bad guy -  Expeditor on 8/19/24 12:46pm
 In fairness, that report is over a decade old. -  JanetK_CA on 8/19/24 3:33pm
 Read the whole thing... - Lee/AR on 8/19/24 5:19pm

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