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Notaries Advertising themselves as Notario Publico
Posted by Vegyes/VA of VA on 9/29/24 7:56pm Msg #649372
How many of you are seeing notaries show they're a notario publico in their ads?
I'm seeing a lot in my area. In case you don't know, it's not legal to advertise as one because it means a lawyer in some South American countries. You can report them to the Secretary of State, who sends them a warning letter. I found that even a courier near me is advertising that. They can lose their commission or get fined. I take it seriously because some people may actually rely on them for legal advice.
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Messages in this Thread
 Notaries Advertising themselves as Notario Publico - Vegyes/VA on 9/29/24 7:56pm
 Report 'em! n/m - Lee/AR on 9/29/24 9:40pm
 Re: Report - Vegyes/VA on 10/1/24 12:59pm
 Re: Notaries Advertising themselves as Notario Publico - VT_Syrup on 9/30/24 7:45am
 Re: Notaries Advertising themselves as Notario Publico - Vegyes/VA on 10/1/24 1:07pm
 Notary commissioning office wrong reporting place - BobbiCT on 10/2/24 5:57pm
 Thank you for that 'do it right' info n/m - Lee/AR on 10/4/24 7:16am
 Re: Thank you for that -  Expeditor on 10/11/24 5:56pm
 Re: Thank you for that -  Expeditor on 10/12/24 12:16am

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