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We amy be splitting haris here Dennis, but since you
Posted by  Charles_Ca of CA on 9/30/09 4:43pm Msg #305734
brought it up lets take a closer look at it.

Generally E & O insurance is defined as being a form of malpractice insurance indemnifying clients for alleged professional errors and omission which amount to negligence.

I think that you would agree that this is a a very narrow definition and that acting as a notary there are other situations in which one acting as a notary would be exposed to risks that the E & O insurance would not cover.

I would suspect that based on your stated experience as a property and casualty agent you would, in all probability recommend insurance coverage in addition to E & O to cover one's exposures while dealing with the public and upon another's property.
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Messages in this Thread
 E & O ins - Sherry_CA on 9/30/09 12:17pm
 Re: E & O ins -  Linda_H/FL on 9/30/09 12:20pm
 Re: E & O ins -  davidK/CA on 9/30/09 12:32pm
 Re: E & O ins - Sherry_CA on 9/30/09 2:47pm
 Re: E & O ins -  John/CT on 9/30/09 12:49pm
 Re: E & O ins - Riley/FL on 9/30/09 2:10pm
 Re: E & O ins -  Charles_Ca on 9/30/09 1:25pm
 I Believe You've Unintentionally Misspoke, Charles... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 9/30/09 3:05pm
 Re: I Believe You've Unintentionally Misspoke, Charles... - Sherry_CA on 9/30/09 3:09pm
 We amy be splitting haris here Dennis, but since you -  Charles_Ca on 9/30/09 4:43pm
 BTW Dennis, I just re-read my post and you are right... -  Charles_Ca on 9/30/09 4:57pm
 Re: E & O ins - Gavina Franklin on 9/30/09 1:58pm
 Talk to an attorney to see what kind of -  Glenn Strickler on 9/30/09 2:06pm
 So Glenn when a SS says that they have 1Million E&O coverage - Calnotary on 9/30/09 3:30pm
 Re: So Glenn when a SS says that they have 1Million E&O coverage -  Les_CO on 10/1/09 4:29pm
 A tip I learned from a seminar I attended... - LKT/CA on 9/30/09 5:10pm
 2 Statements, 2 answers, -  Glenn Strickler on 10/1/09 2:45am
 Re: E & O ins -  MW/VA on 10/1/09 8:55am

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