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Lisa, all due respect for what you're trying to
Posted by  Linda_H/FL of FL on 10/1/09 1:59pm Msg #305835
accomplish here...but she did give company name and location - just because it's not in the subject line isn't the end of the world and it's not such a hardship for readers to click on the message.

Like I said, I get the importance of more info helps all help everyone better, but IMO this really wasn't necessary.
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Messages in this Thread
 Bilingual Notary Network, LLC - HKT_TX on 10/1/09 11:03am
 Please review Msg. 305606 n/m - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 11:52am
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - HKT_TX on 10/1/09 12:36pm
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - HKT_TX on 10/1/09 12:42pm
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 1:11pm
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 1:27pm
 Lisa, all due respect for what you're trying to -  Linda_H/FL on 10/1/09 1:59pm
 Re: Lisa, all due respect for what you're trying to - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 2:30pm
 Now that is NOT what I meant!!...:) n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 10/1/09 2:35pm
 Heeheehee!!! n/m - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 2:48pm
 Re: Bilingual Notary Network, LLC -  AngelTX on 10/1/09 5:36pm
 Re: Bilingual Notary Network, LLC - CH2inCA on 10/1/09 7:40pm
 Re: Bilingual Notary Network, LLC - HKT_TX on 10/2/09 10:37am

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