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Re: Bilingual Notary Network, LLC
Posted by  AngelTX of TX on 10/1/09 5:36pm Msg #305863
I would not work for her, i got an assignment from her and from the get go i did not like the way she talked etc., very rude. I couldnt make the assignment so i had someone else do it, used their title company and everything, well she never paid, as far as I know. She told me previously on another signing, what was it, something like will it be cash, and while i was thinking she said you know money, and i was like you rude thing. but didnt say anything back. Then after driving through thunder storms and already flooding in the area, lights went out during the signing, etc.,. she called back and asked if it was done i said yes but it was flooding and she didnt understand what flooding was so i was like you know "rising water." dont workfor her
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Messages in this Thread
 Bilingual Notary Network, LLC - HKT_TX on 10/1/09 11:03am
 Please review Msg. 305606 n/m - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 11:52am
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - HKT_TX on 10/1/09 12:36pm
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - HKT_TX on 10/1/09 12:42pm
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 1:11pm
 Re: Please review Msg. 305606 - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 1:27pm
 Lisa, all due respect for what you're trying to -  Linda_H/FL on 10/1/09 1:59pm
 Re: Lisa, all due respect for what you're trying to - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 2:30pm
 Now that is NOT what I meant!!...:) n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 10/1/09 2:35pm
 Heeheehee!!! n/m - LKT/CA on 10/1/09 2:48pm
 Re: Bilingual Notary Network, LLC -  AngelTX on 10/1/09 5:36pm
 Re: Bilingual Notary Network, LLC - CH2inCA on 10/1/09 7:40pm
 Re: Bilingual Notary Network, LLC - HKT_TX on 10/2/09 10:37am

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