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Re: Thoughts on this please
Posted by Julie-mi of ? on 5/12/05 8:47pm Msg #37415
Not your mistake. You cannot do as they requested.

They CAN pay you go to out and have the document re-executed.

Don't let them guilt you into breaking the law.

It was the processors fault and it doesn't even make sense that the loan would not fund without the name variation. If the docs were ALL Jane A. Doe, including the note, than the Jane Ann Doe would not cause a loan not to fund.
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Messages in this Thread
 Thoughts on this please - MI_Notary on 5/12/05 8:36pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please -  SamIam_CA on 5/12/05 8:44pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please - MI_Notary on 5/12/05 9:11pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please - Julie-mi on 5/12/05 8:47pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please - MI_Notary on 5/12/05 9:08pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please - Barry on 5/12/05 9:25pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please - Nancy in Florida on 5/12/05 11:01pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please - MI_Notary on 5/13/05 10:20am
 Yes, After Disbursement a loan can unfund--Here's Why/How - ItsMe123 on 5/13/05 12:01am
 It simply amazes me...... - Joan-OH on 5/13/05 7:27am
 Re: It simply amazes me...... - Nancy in Florida on 5/13/05 8:55am
 Re: Yes, After Disbursement a loan can unfund--Here's Why/How - MI_Notary on 5/13/05 10:37am
 Re: Thoughts on this please - Lee/AR on 5/12/05 11:55pm
 Re: Thoughts on this please - Kevin Ahern on 5/13/05 4:48am

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