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Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name?
Posted by Luci/CA of ? on 5/12/05 9:30pm Msg #37424
It would be the title company that would care not the recorder, and the main reason is because they need to establish the individual's legal "status," and keep the chain of title clean. If I take title as a single woman, and then the lender (or some other subsequent document) shows me as an unmarried woman, the title company is going to wonder where my husband is and if he has any interest in the property, etc. Hope this helps - I am not a title examiner, but I know the correct status *is* important.
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Messages in this Thread
 widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? -  SamIam_CA on 5/11/05 8:04pm
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? - Luci/CA on 5/11/05 8:39pm
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? - Sam I am on 5/12/05 9:53am
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? - Luci/CA on 5/12/05 9:30pm
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 9:38am

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