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widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name?
Posted by  SamIam_CA of CA on 5/11/05 8:04pm Msg #37214
I did a re-fi today on an investment property with no RTC. The borrower started out high strung and got more agitated as the time went on. I made sure she knew that I could not give legal advise and that there was no RTC and she needed to feel comfortable with the signing. Single mom, baby crying at the table etc.

She lost it when we got to a grant deed changing the vesting from Jane Doe - a widow to Jane Doe - an unmarried woman. The DOT had her as an unmarried woman. Can anybody explain to me what the difference is between these designators?

I finally got her to sign everything after the escrow officer told her to void the grant deed. I hope the deed of trust can still record with her being an unmarried woman instead of a widow. Oy vey!
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Messages in this Thread
 widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? -  SamIam_CA on 5/11/05 8:04pm
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? - Luci/CA on 5/11/05 8:39pm
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? - Sam I am on 5/12/05 9:53am
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? - Luci/CA on 5/12/05 9:30pm
 Re: widow vs. unmarried woman - what's in a name? -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 9:38am

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