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Re: Prime Time Signing service
Posted by Mysti_FL of FL on 5/13/05 11:26pm Msg #37696
I do a lot of signings with them. I love working with them as they pay very timely and meet my price. They do get quite a few cancellations (mostly at the beginning of the month), but not because they are shopping around, or at least I don't think so. They have often come to me before going on to anyone else and I find that the owner is VERY fair and considerate and will work with you to allow you to close their loans. So, although they are pretty last minute, I don't mind. Maybe if I were doing a lot more business, I would, though.

They may have a lot going on (one person told me they were working on 15 loans today and he said there were problems on all of them).

Anyway, that is my opinion.

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Messages in this Thread
 Prime Time Signing service - JHS/Fl on 5/13/05 3:11pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Jay on 5/13/05 3:38pm
 Add us to the list too! - Anonymous on 5/13/05 4:07pm
 Re: Add us to the list too! - DAN_CA on 5/13/05 4:16pm
 Re: Add us to the list too! - DAN_CA on 5/13/05 4:16pm
 Re: Add us to the list too! - DAN_CA on 5/13/05 4:18pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Becca/FL on 5/13/05 7:37pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Victoria/FL on 5/13/05 9:09pm
 Re: Prime Time Signing service - Mysti_FL on 5/13/05 11:26pm

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