To answer your question, yes, I believe it should be separate part of the jurat.
I finished my loose leaf certificates. While doing it, I figured I would add "Security Features" on the reverse side in a light gray text that looks like it's been watermarked.
I created the notary certificates in a special color coded manner that is detailed in the "Security Features" side. For instance, I made the sigil of my state in color, and created a blue line where I added a box for the document information/ signers information part.
I even added an optional box for a thumbprint.
Everything came out very nice and professional. My state has laws that make it a felony too alter or forge a record by a clerk of court, justice of the peace, notary public, etc. So, on the reverse side, I added the states text on the violation and punishment of altering my certificate.
I have NNA certificates, but mine makes those look like garbage!! LOL I was unhappy with their certificates. Mine have the state sigil, special wording, and optional misc. information that is intended to protect the person who is relying on the document. Not to mention myself against identity fraud.