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Homemade Jurats ?
Posted by LisaK/WI of ? on 5/14/05 9:12am Msg #37749
I came across a situation where I might of needed to attach a loose jurat. I have made up some extras with all the proper wording. My question is: For protection, is it OK to put in the bottom left corner of the jurat, Type of Document, Borrowers Name, Ect. Or does this need to be put in a top section of the jurat as such:
Type of Document:
And then do the notarial wording here

I guess my question is: Should this be a separate part of the jurat? Maybe separated with a line?
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Messages in this Thread
 Homemade Jurats ? - LisaK/WI on 5/14/05 9:12am
 I created fancy watermarked certificates... - IPS on 5/14/05 10:36am
 Here's my "SECURITY FEATURES" - IPS on 5/14/05 10:42am
 Re: Here's my "SECURITY FEATURES" - LisaK/WI on 5/14/05 11:09am
 Re: Here's my "SECURITY FEATURES" -  LisaWI on 5/14/05 11:12am
 Re: Here's my "SECURITY FEATURES"To Anonymous -  Susan Axelrod on 5/14/05 12:49pm
 They have been sent to you using Word 2000 n/m - IPS on 5/14/05 4:59pm
 Re: Homemade Jurats ? - CA_Jeanet on 5/14/05 2:14pm

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