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Re: Read the links regarding the virus/bug
Posted by Kiso of CA on 5/16/05 12:28pm Msg #38035
I dont think anyone is hacking into any notary databases, I'm here at work and we're getting those emails....I'm in a lot of notary databases and I'm not getting any of these, it's just other users. I think it's a new thing that came out over the weekend...not sure, but they're in German, too.
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Messages in this Thread
 signing service databases have been hacked -  CarolynCO on 5/15/05 12:03pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - ERNA_CA on 5/15/05 12:07pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - BrendaTx on 5/15/05 12:45pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - ERNA_CA on 5/15/05 1:03pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - Alan65/CA on 5/15/05 3:47pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked -  CarolynCO on 5/15/05 10:23pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked -  CarolynCO on 5/15/05 4:27pm
 Not the same as what I refer to... - BrendaTx on 5/15/05 4:49pm
 Re: Not the same as what I refer to... -  CarolynCO on 5/15/05 8:25pm
 Okay, I got an email tonight with about 50... - BrendaTx on 5/15/05 9:18pm
 Re: Okay, I got an email tonight with about 50... -  CarolynCO on 5/15/05 10:02pm
 Re: Okay, I got an email tonight with about 50... - BrendaTx on 5/16/05 12:42am
 Re: Okay, I got an email tonight with about 50... -  CarolynCO on 5/16/05 7:36am
 Carolyn - yes to firewalls... - BrendaTx on 5/16/05 8:07am
 Re: Carolyn - yes to firewalls... -  CarolynCO on 5/16/05 11:35pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked-To Carolyn -  Susan Axelrod on 5/15/05 12:15pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - Harry [NR] on 5/15/05 1:33pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - ERNA_CA on 5/15/05 1:59pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - LaurieCPA on 5/15/05 2:09pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - Mike/NJ on 5/15/05 2:46pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - ERNA_CA on 5/15/05 5:36pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - Mike/NJ on 5/15/05 6:59pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - MI_Notary on 5/15/05 8:42pm
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - monica/OK on 5/15/05 10:55pm
 Re: spoofing - SamIam_CA on 5/16/05 9:52am
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - Mary Pierce/PA on 5/16/05 6:09am
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - Mary Pierce/PA on 5/16/05 6:21am
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked -  PAW_Fl on 5/16/05 6:49am
 Re: signing service databases have been hacked - Mary Pierce/PA on 5/16/05 6:53am
 Re: Read the links regarding the virus/bug -  CarolynCO on 5/16/05 7:33am
 Re: Read the links regarding the virus/bug - Mary Pierce/PA on 5/16/05 10:03am
 Re: Read the links regarding the virus/bug - Mary Pierce/PA on 5/16/05 10:58am
 Re: Read the links regarding the virus/bug - Teasa/Ny on 5/16/05 12:13pm
 Re: Read the links regarding the virus/bug - Kiso on 5/16/05 12:28pm
 Re: Read the links regarding the virus/bug - ERNA_CA on 5/16/05 1:36pm
 Re: Harvested names/e-mail addresses -  CarolynCO on 5/17/05 10:31pm
 Re: P.S. Harvested names/e-mail addresses -  CarolynCO on 5/18/05 5:28am
 SS Databases have NOT been hacked ... - PAW_Fl on 5/16/05 2:20pm
 Re: SS Databases have NOT been hacked ... (hit enter 2 soon) - PAW_Fl on 5/16/05 2:22pm

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