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If writing is not your strength, get help in making your
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 1/10/21 12:02pm Msg #628373
profile a work of art. Put your photo up too. Vendors like to see your appearance and demeanor.

Put your best face/foot forward!
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Messages in this Thread
 Putting some teeth into profile to draw readers n/m -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/10/21 10:41am
 Re: Putting some teeth into profile to draw readers -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/10/21 10:47am
 Agree...typos and bad grammar make me cringe. - Linda_H/FL on 1/10/21 11:27am
 If writing is not your strength, get help in making your -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/10/21 12:02pm
 Great advice from Cheryl and Linda -  JanetK_CA on 1/10/21 3:13pm
 Choose a photo you won't mind the vendor sending to their -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/10/21 3:25pm
 Re: Choose a photo you won - VT_Syrup on 1/10/21 4:08pm
 Re: Choose a photo you won - pdl/cali on 1/10/21 8:13pm
 Also Use A Current Photo . . - PegiT_MN on 1/11/21 1:25pm
 Re: Also Use A Current Photo . . - Luckydog on 1/11/21 5:18pm
 Re: Also Use A Current Photo . . - MariaMO on 1/11/21 6:55pm
 Also Use A Current Photo...100% AGREE! -  CPNS2006 on 1/12/21 4:14am
 Re: Putting some teeth into profile to draw readers -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/21 8:20am
 Re: Putting some teeth into profile to draw readers - Luckydog on 1/12/21 10:17am
 Re: Putting some teeth into profile to draw readers -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/21 3:16pm
 Re: Putting some teeth into profile to draw readers -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/21 9:50pm

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