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Re: Correct - we don’t know what SOS actually said re
Posted by Carolyn Bodley of CO on 3/30/22 11:29am Msg #639176
$10,000 fine. Now, you and I, both having legal experience, would have asked more questions for clarification
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 AKA used on California aknowledgement - JustANotary on 3/29/22 2:25pm
 Re: AKA used on California aknowledgement -  Yoli/CA on 3/29/22 2:53pm
 Re: AKA used on California aknowledgement - JustANotary on 3/29/22 2:57pm
 Re: AKA used on California aknowledgement -  JanetK_CA on 3/29/22 3:53pm
 Re: AKA used on California aknowledgement - JustANotary on 3/29/22 7:07pm
 I will never understand the quirks in CA notary laws. -  MW/VA on 3/29/22 3:50pm
 No you are not allowed to notarized a signature with AKA - Gavina Franklin on 3/29/22 4:04pm
 Interesting. Thanks for sharing this! -  JanetK_CA on 3/29/22 4:12pm
 I know it's the xzy folks but here - Clem/CA on 3/29/22 4:24pm
 Re: I know it-s the xzy folks but here - VT_Syrup on 3/29/22 4:31pm
 Re: I know it-s the xzy folks but here -  JanetK_CA on 3/29/22 7:27pm
 Re: I know it-s the xzy folks but here - VT_Syrup on 3/29/22 8:15pm
 I called the Secretary of State - JustANotary on 3/29/22 7:15pm
 Re: Probably construed as UPL n/m - Carolyn Bodley on 3/29/22 8:14pm
 Re: Probably construed as UPL - VT_Syrup on 3/30/22 10:05am
 Re: Correct - we don’t know what SOS actually said re - Carolyn Bodley on 3/30/22 11:29am
 Just for curiosity. Was this a loan modification - Gavina Franklin on 3/30/22 9:36am
 Re: Just for curiosity. Was this a loan modification - JustANotary on 3/30/22 10:23am

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