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Re: Virtual personal knowledge?
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 6/24/22 10:52am Msg #641030
I don't know which, if any, RON platforms allow the notary to bypass the usual identification process if the notary knows the signer. The law that will soon go into effect in VT specifically states that personal knowledge is sufficient, for either RON or in-person notarizations. It's just a question of whether the RON platform has a bypass switch.

As for safeguards, the notary IS the safeguard.
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Messages in this Thread
 Virtual personal knowledge? - VT_Syrup on 6/24/22 4:46am
 I agree n/m - Lee/AR on 6/24/22 7:33am
 Re: Virtual personal knowledge? -  Yoli/CA on 6/24/22 10:29am
 Re: Virtual personal knowledge? - VT_Syrup on 6/24/22 10:52am
 I don't have the authority to over ride anything. I am just - grapebed on 6/24/22 1:50pm
 Re: I don-t have the authority to over ride anything - VT_Syrup on 6/24/22 3:13pm

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