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I don't have the authority to over ride anything. I am just
Posted by grapebed of MO on 6/24/22 1:50pm Msg #641035
RON notary. My only "authority" is to click the NEXT button. There are no loop holes. If I ever attempted to over ride something, it would be my last day on earth as a RON notary. Period. Case closed. Adios.

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Messages in this Thread
 Virtual personal knowledge? - VT_Syrup on 6/24/22 4:46am
 I agree n/m - Lee/AR on 6/24/22 7:33am
 Re: Virtual personal knowledge? -  Yoli/CA on 6/24/22 10:29am
 Re: Virtual personal knowledge? - VT_Syrup on 6/24/22 10:52am
 I don't have the authority to over ride anything. I am just - grapebed on 6/24/22 1:50pm
 Re: I don-t have the authority to over ride anything - VT_Syrup on 6/24/22 3:13pm

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