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Re: Agree with Linda & Lee to a certain degree
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/10/24 5:39pm Msg #647742
I pretty much agree with all those above. Frankly, I don't believe the AIF should be put into a position where they're asked to sign the principal's name for them when a jurat applies, but that's outside of our control, as Yoli explained. However, if a jurat is clearly requested (and confirmed by hiring party), we need to remember that it's the person who *does* "personally appear" in front of us who is taking the oath and swearing/affirming to the truthfulness of the document. And it's their name alone that goes on our certificate (in CA, at least).

If an AIF doesn't know if the document is true or doesn't feel comfortable stating so, I wouldn't complete the notarization. [It's been a long time, but I've run into that before, at least once. As I recall, the client understood and we sent that document back unsigned.]

The most likely place to find that situation would be with a Signature/Name Affidavit. And, of course, the AIF can't provide alternate signatures for someone else, either.
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Messages in this Thread
 Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public - RickG/CA on 2/9/24 5:39pm
 Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public - RickG/CA on 2/9/24 5:41pm
 Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public - DaveCA/CA on 2/9/24 6:09pm
 Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public - RickG/CA on 2/9/24 7:32pm
 It's my understanding that an AIF - Linda_H/FL on 2/9/24 10:17pm
 Agree with you & Linda. Answer is state-specific. - Lee/AR on 2/10/24 7:39am
 Agree with Linda & Lee to a certain degree -  Yoli/CA on 2/10/24 9:50am
 Re: Agree with Linda & Lee to a certain degree -  JanetK_CA on 2/10/24 5:39pm
 Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public -  Expeditor on 2/21/24 6:17pm

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