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Notarizations in an American embassy in China
Posted by JustANotary of CA on 10/3/24 4:23pm Msg #649396
The seller of a property says they can't sign because their passport (probably Chinese passport) is expired. But I would think that embassies can use two witnesses just as we do in California. Or, do embassies let you use local ID, like a Chinese DL or ID card? Does anyone have experience with this?
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Messages in this Thread
 Notarizations in an American embassy in China - JustANotary on 10/3/24 4:23pm
 Did you get an answer to your question? - Linda_H/FL on 10/4/24 5:36pm
 Re: Did you get an answer to your question? - JustANotary on 10/4/24 9:00pm
 Re: Notaries in China - BobbiCT on 10/5/24 9:34am
 Re: Notaries in China - JustANotary on 10/5/24 10:20am

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