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Re: I've also received someone else's check...
Posted by  PAW_Fl of FL on 7/23/05 9:07pm Msg #54194
And then there are those notaries with the same name that apparently don't keep books. I've "lost" three checks in the past year because they were sent to the wrong person ... same name, but different address (not even the same state). At any rate, the checks were cashed (actually deposited) in his account. So my repeated dunning notices went unanswered and the title companies and signing agencies thought I was some kind of nut case. That is, until it was straighted out and checks were re-issued to me. I do not know if the "other" notary was contacted and asked to return the funds, but if it were my company I sure would.

The underlying thing that I don't understand about my situation is, how can one run a business and not keep records? If I get a check in the mail, I have to post it against an invoice. I simply cannot endorse it and deposit it. Maybe the "other" notary was thinking that someone really loved him and was just sending him money, just because. Who knows!
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 Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - Jay-NoCal on 7/23/05 3:40pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment -  BrendaTX on 7/23/05 3:49pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - Joan-OH on 7/23/05 4:12pm
 I've also received someone else's check... - Cherilyn in CO on 7/23/05 5:58pm
 Re: I've also received someone else's check... -  PAW_Fl on 7/23/05 9:07pm
 Re: I've also received someone else's check... - LauriecPA on 7/23/05 9:55pm
 I mean, someone else has received MY check!... - LauriecPa on 7/23/05 10:33pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - jojo_MN on 7/24/05 9:07am
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - LawrenceOK on 7/24/05 11:30am
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - wade/ar on 7/24/05 5:56pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - LauriecPA on 7/24/05 10:15pm

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