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The day before EOM seems to becoming EOM
Posted by  Teasa Mahar of NY on 7/24/05 9:23am Msg #54228
Is it me or are others getting swamped with requests for last minute closings the day before EOM. I had closings scheduled for Friday 7/22 and received 4 calls to do last minute closings, which I could not accomodate. I believe the same thing has happend the past 2 months; more last minte calls the day before EOM than the EOM day itself. Do you think they are looking for an extra day for the opps factor. Just seems weird to me.
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Messages in this Thread
 The day before EOM seems to becoming EOM -  Teasa Mahar on 7/24/05 9:23am
 Re: The day before EOM seems to becoming EOM - Bonnie/FL on 7/24/05 9:47am
 For Bonnie-- -  BrendaTX on 7/24/05 10:26am
 Re: For Bonnie-- - LawrenceOK on 7/24/05 10:51am
 I guess my point was missed - Teasa/NY on 7/24/05 11:43am
 Re: I guess my point was missed - LawrenceOK on 7/24/05 11:48am
 Teasa - Yes - seeing this pattern. n/m -  BrendaTX on 7/24/05 12:44pm
 Re: The day before EOM-Teasa -  BrendaTX on 7/24/05 12:44pm
 Re: The day before EOM-Teasa - Teasa/NY on 7/24/05 12:54pm
 Re: The day before EOM-Teasa - Kimberly-IN on 7/24/05 11:35pm

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