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FYI to individual notary's
Posted by eMobileNotary of WA on 9/5/03 1:46pm Msg #89
I handle the collection's for eMobilenotary. I was collecting from Gateway Title (Thousand Oaks, CA) and the attitude from the E.O. was very alarming. I wanted to share it with you, to make sure you are asking the right questions when accepting an order directly from an E.O. or Broker.

We had 2 outstanding payments that had not been received. When following up with the E.O. her response was "They cancelled". I followed up with our policy of always collecting on files even if cancelled. The E.O. responded with "That's why we use the individual notary's and not the large companies. The individual notary's know that if a signing cancels they will not get paid". That information stunned me. Because of my position, I am constantly working on the behalf of the notary's that do signings for our company. I know quite personally, that most individual notary's will NOT go out to do a signing, with the knowledge that they might not get paid.

My suggestion would be to make sure you have something in writing regarding their policy on cancelled signings.

This is an industry fraught with miscommunication and disorganization. We are constantly amazed at the lack of professionalism, especially when it comes to getting our invoices paid.

The attitude remains though, when they need a signing, the E.O./Broker is your best friend, until it comes time for payment.

Good Luck to all.
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 FYI to individual notary's - eMobileNotary on 9/5/03 1:46pm

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