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Beth, this is what I was talking about in the other thread
Posted by MichiganAl of MI on 2/4/06 11:37pm Msg #94445
People like you and others that pick a handle or name and stick with it are fine, even if I don't know exactly who they are. At least I can decide if they're someone I want to read and converse with or someone I want to ignore. With these gutless anons, I could read ten posts and not know if I'm reading ten posts from ten cowards or ten posts from the same chickensh... And though most of us use a handle that doesn't identify who we are specifically, I'll bet that there are at least a few people that know who you are, or titlegal, or calinotary, etc. Even though they just use their first name, I still know who Paul, Sylvia, Brenda, and others are. So there's at least some accountability. But again, I'd have no problem linking to my profile if it helped stop this nonsense.

P.S. Two snaps up to Cali for not letting the lowlife who posted his name bother him. I'll always only love the ladies Cali, but I'd sit down and have that six pack with you anytime.
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Messages in this Thread
 Brian Lynch, "Calinotary" - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:08pm
 Re: Brian Lynch, "Calinotary" - NM_CO on 2/4/06 8:11pm
 Re: NM...another anonymous coward looking foolish.n/m - Beth/MD on 2/4/06 8:27pm
 Beth how do you figure that one! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:28pm
 Re: Beth how do you figure that one! nm - Beth/MD on 2/4/06 8:33pm
 It's not a big deal - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 8:38pm
 Well I think you are a hero by whatever name. - Barb25 on 2/4/06 8:44pm
 Re: Well I think you are a hero by whatever name. - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 8:45pm
 But Cali spiderman is so popular again. Or maybe - srnotary_CA on 2/4/06 8:48pm
 Re: But Cali spiderman is so popular again. Or maybe - srnotary_CA on 2/4/06 8:48pm
 Re: But Cali spiderman is so popular again. Or maybe - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 8:50pm
 True...Was juast a thought a funny thought though. n/m - srnotary_CA on 2/4/06 8:53pm
 Re: Beth how do you figure that one! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 9:06pm
 Re: Beth how do you figure that one! nm -  Loretta Reed on 2/4/06 10:48pm
 Yikes! Loretta, I didn't post anyone's name - Anonymous on 2/4/06 11:00pm
 Re: Yikes! Loretta, I didn't post anyone's name -  Loretta Reed on 2/5/06 10:08am
 Beth, this is what I was talking about in the other thread - MichiganAl on 2/4/06 11:37pm
 Re: Beth, this is what I was talking about in the other thread - NM_CO on 2/4/06 11:42pm
 Re: Beth, this is what I was talking about in the other thre - Mr_Fantastic on 2/5/06 2:11am
 MichiganAl - Anonymous on 2/4/06 11:47pm
 Re: MichiganAl -  PAW_Fl on 2/5/06 6:02am
 NM - I think you're on to something! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:20pm

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