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Re: Ok my 2 cents from an experienced whore
Posted by  LkArrowhd/CA of CA on 5/13/06 10:28pm Msg #119725
Ladies and gentlemen you all have excellent points, all this hooker and whore talk, thought I 'd try to add a little humor. I run my business as I run my business, I'm rarely offended by anyone's words. Drakester don't stop posting and only read, everyone's post is of some value even if only to them. Shoot, I even miss FlaMac, she added something to the board......even if the gal was jumped on daily......It's life, have a laugh, no need to be so serious 24-7.......
Don't you love is the hear laughter from the soul....
The sweetest sound I ever heard as a younger woman was when my boy used to laugh, it was so rich and full of life, it came from deep within...LAUGH
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Messages in this Thread
 Leon_CO - Carolyn Bodley on 5/13/06 3:29pm
 Re: Leon_CO - SarahBeth_CA on 5/13/06 5:02pm
 I wish that I were getting 4, 5, 6 signings a day :) - Leon_CO on 5/13/06 5:41pm
 Re: I wish that I were getting 4, 5, 6 signings a day :) - SarahBeth_CA on 5/13/06 6:54pm
 Re: Carolyn and SarahBeth - Teddog_CO on 5/13/06 11:04pm
 Re: Leon_CO -  PAW on 5/13/06 6:49pm
 I don't understand this attitude... - SueW/Tn on 5/13/06 7:20pm
 Just a thought - Drakester_IA on 5/13/06 8:19pm
 Re: Just - DRAKESTER - that's JUST IT - YOU HIT THE NAIL -  BrendaTx on 5/13/06 8:41pm
 absolutely right Brenda....But how do you fix it without ... - Drakester_IA on 5/13/06 9:15pm
 Re: Ok my 2 cents from an experienced whore -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/13/06 9:46pm
 Re: Ok my 2 cents from an experienced whore - Drakester_IA on 5/13/06 10:03pm
 And again I'm going to ask... - SueW/Tn on 5/13/06 10:15pm
 Re: And again I'm going to ask... -  lulu on 5/14/06 7:10pm
 Re: Ok my 2 cents from an experienced whore -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/13/06 10:28pm
 AMEN....laughter is the best medicine..... n/m - GenB_CA on 5/13/06 10:38pm
 Re: Ok my 2 cents from an experienced whore -  BrendaTx on 5/13/06 10:55pm
 Re: Ok my 2 cents - and by out there I meant funny! -  BrendaTx on 5/13/06 11:12pm
 Re: Ok my 2 cents - and by out there I meant funny! -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/14/06 10:39am
 Re: Ok my 2 cents - and by out there I meant funny! -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/14/06 10:44am
 Re: Ok my 2 cents - and by out there I meant funny! -  BrendaTx on 5/14/06 4:05pm

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