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Re: MIA but I'm back - Jahari
Posted by Mia of MI on 5/14/06 9:58am Msg #119780
Jahari says: "Is it me or is the gradual rise in interest rates slowing mortgage lending
and refi's ergo killing our business?"

Interest rates may be playing a small part in the slow down of business. I think the
biggest problem is the lose of jobs in Michigan. Michigan has 2 times the number
of bankrupticies, compared to the national average.
Real Estate is not moving very well in my area either.
We are in some really tough times right now. I don't know if there is anything that
can be done about the outsourcing of jobs to other countries. Our politicians don't
seem to be concerned about the outsourcing.

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Messages in this Thread
 MIA but I'm back - Jahari Davis on 5/14/06 1:28am
 Re: MIA but I'm back -  BrendaTx on 5/14/06 1:41am
 Re: MIA but I'm back - Jahari - Mia on 5/14/06 9:58am
 Re: MIA but I'm back - Jahari - Jahari Davis on 5/14/06 12:21pm

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