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Posted by Sabrina Gridley 1-stop Mobile Notary of CA on 5/15/06 3:50am Msg #119873
Happy Mother's day to everyone...I am new to this posting site and to just share my saturday signing story because I'd heard about clients like these but never believe it to be true.

I had a client that actually threw the documents at me, walked out on the signing and got into a huge fight with her husband because she believed that there was an internal conspiracy with the lender as she had never had to fill out the confidential information sheet.

Three walk outs (including throwing the papers at me) and finally one call to the lender, I got them to sign. Does this really happen? I really wanted to walk out she even thought I was there spying on behalf of George (you know, our President). EEEEkkkk

It was unbelievable.
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Messages in this Thread
 Eeek!! - Sabrina Gridley 1-stop Mobile Notary on 5/15/06 3:50am
 Re: Eeek!! - sue_pa on 5/15/06 6:46am
 Re: Eeek!! - really! -  BrendaTx on 5/15/06 6:54am
 Re: Eeek!! - really! Agreed - LawrenceOK on 5/15/06 7:43am
 Re: Eeek!! - really! Agreed - BetsyMI on 5/15/06 8:58am

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