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Re: just a thought
Posted by  Sherri_NWA of AR on 5/18/06 10:05pm Msg #120911
I agree with asigner. When I take docs to the courthouse for my work (legal asst) or send them to another county/state, I always call the clerk's office to find out their standard fees. Most have a first pg of a document is $XX.XX and ea additional page is $XX.XX. OR, $XX.XX for the first 4 pages and each additional page for that particular document is $XX.XX. There is a standard going on from legal to letter size. I know of 3 states around us that have went to that. If you try and file legal size, or if the margins are not right, there they will ding you $25.00 extra for each document on top of the normal filing fees.

Make a list of the docs you need to record and how many pages in each. Usually the clerk will help you total the cost if you give them the title of the document and how many pages. On the Deed, will you need any Document Stamps or conveyance tax? Better find out on that one. Some states require this on or with the Deeds. Conveyance tax can be expensive.

Sherri in Arkansas

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Messages in this Thread
 record after signing? - Anonymous from on 5/18/06 9:29pm
 Re: just an thought - asigner on 5/18/06 9:40pm
 Re: just a thought -  Sherri_NWA on 5/18/06 10:05pm
 Re: just a thought - another thought -  Sylvia_FL on 5/18/06 10:26pm
 Re: record after signing? -  Missy_Lulu on 5/18/06 10:01pm
 Re: record after signing? -  Tina_MA on 5/18/06 10:33pm
 Re: record after signing? -  Loretta Reed on 5/19/06 6:45am
 Re: record after signing? -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 9:59am
 Re: record after signing? -  Loretta Reed on 5/18/06 11:24pm
 Re: record after signing? -  Howie35CT on 5/19/06 6:11am
 Re: record after signing? - Anonymous from on 5/19/06 10:05am
 I have done this many times -  MistarellaFL on 5/19/06 10:09am
 recording fee - Anonymous from on 5/19/06 10:21am

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