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Re: Did my very first acknowledge?
Posted by CaliNotary of CA on 7/17/06 2:48pm Msg #133657
Aside from the fact that any brand new notary should already know the answer to this question, wouldn't common sense tell you that it needs to be completed and signed just from looking at the acknowledgement?
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Messages in this Thread
 Did my very first acknowledge? - Barbara Thompson-Indreland on 7/17/06 1:47pm
 Re: Did my very first acknowledge? -  Roger_OH on 7/17/06 1:52pm
 Re: Did my very first acknowledge? - Gerry_VT on 7/17/06 1:54pm
 Re: Barbara - Brenda/CA on 7/17/06 2:08pm
 Re: Did my very first acknowledge? - Barbara Thompson-Indreland on 7/17/06 2:01pm
 Re: Did my very first acknowledge? - Jeanne/ca on 7/17/06 2:25pm
 Re: Did my very first acknowledge? - CaliNotary on 7/17/06 2:48pm
 Re: Did my very first acknowledge? -  ewing2surf on 7/17/06 3:48pm
 Message Deleted - User from on 7/17/06 4:23pm
 It is impossible for me to believe ... - Ernest__CT on 7/17/06 6:28pm
 Re: It is impossible for me to believe ... -  rengel/CA on 7/17/06 7:17pm
 Cali... -  MelissaCT on 7/17/06 7:33pm
 Amen, Melissa! n/m -  Ernest__CT on 7/17/06 11:45pm
 Re: Did my very first acknowledge? -  KBLedgard_CA on 7/17/06 8:19pm
 Pls tell me this is a joke post. n/m - Jason on 7/17/06 7:48pm

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