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Re: notary decline
Posted by Yoli/CA of CA on 11/15/18 1:36pm Msg #600302
Slow everywhere. Had a signing for a loan officer and her husband here in the Sacramento area. She said biz is dead for them as well.
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Messages in this Thread
 notary decline - Cindy Herring on 11/15/18 12:11pm
 Re: notary decline - Yoli/CA on 11/15/18 1:36pm
 been slow since June..... - notarydi/CA on 11/15/18 2:59pm
 It's very slow nationwide. Oct. was a little better for me, -  MW/VA on 11/15/18 5:14pm
 Slow for me here in Northern Virginia. Only five signings - Eva75Eva on 11/16/18 11:21am
 Re: Slow for me here in Northern Virginia. Only five signings - Rick_NY on 11/19/18 8:57am

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