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Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330
Posted by  PAW Notary Services of FL on 5/12/04 12:19pm Msg #1968
I have the 3330 which include faxing. That is what sets it apart from the 3300. The doc feeder is included with the 3330, but I believe it is optional on the 3300.

As for two trays, that is a misnomer. The 3300 series (including the 3330) only has one real tray. It has an override feeder but it isn't a second tray so it doesn't have the ability to pick between letter and legal. However, this is not a problem. Just print all your edocs on legal size.

If you don't need faxing, stay with the 3300 and the optional ADF, but if you do want to use it as a fax machine, then the 3330 (actually the 3380 now) is the way to go.
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 HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - SpeedyNotary on 5/12/04 11:12am
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 -  PAW Notary Services on 5/12/04 12:19pm
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - Pam Gibson on 5/13/04 9:28am
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - SpeedyNotary on 5/14/04 1:47am
 Re: HP LaserJet 3300 verses the 3330 - Joan-OH on 5/14/04 9:32pm

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