<<Yes, I was called tonight by someone at Ganser Mobile Notary. He offered me $90 per signing for two separate signings tonight. I negotiated $100 for packages less than 150 pages and $125 for packages over 150 pages; however, I requested their information as I couldn’t find their business information or phone number anywhere to verify their credentials. He told me that Katie Ganser would be sending me the docs, and he texted the borrowers' information to me.
I asked him to have Katie Ganser call me to discuss a few things.
The package was sent to me 40 minutes before I had to leave for the appointment and ended up being 190 pages.
I finally spoke to Katie who said that she has been in business for 13 years. I told her that I wasn’t comfortable taking work from her as I could find no information about her signing company anywhere. I also told her that, for a huge print-and-run package of 190 pages, the fee should be $150-$180, which is what the title companies pay for a package of that size.
She said all her packages are last-minute print-and-run packages, which is why they call her.
I didn’t feel comfortable with that, and so I passed on the two signings.
I did finally find a reference to her on Notary Rotary from 2011 in the forum. Someone there said she was a deadbeat payer, but a more recent person said they had no trouble in 2016.>> |