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To link a post
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 4/15/21 6:05am Msg #631284
Go to the original posting - open it - click on blue "Link" button - follow the prompts which eventually get you to SC to pick the correct company - click on company, sponsor link, make sure to mark it nationwide...poof done.

What I usually do first is make sure I can see the company in SC before I start the process
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Messages in this Thread
 Notaries Express - AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! -  Barbara Rambow on 4/13/21 11:25pm
 Re: Notaries Express - AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! -  Ilene C. Seidel on 4/14/21 7:57am
 Re: Notaries Express - AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! -  Barbara Rambow on 4/15/21 12:39am
 Re: Notaries Express - AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! -  Yoli/CA on 4/14/21 9:58am
 Re: Notaries Express - AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! - Calnotary on 4/14/21 10:02am
 Meanwhile, notaries keep him living in style -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/14/21 10:40am
 Newbies please read and take notes - Luckydog on 4/14/21 11:02am
 Re: Newbies please read and take notes -  Barbara Rambow on 4/15/21 12:35am
 Lesson learned, wisdom gained. Keep pushing forward. n/m - Alz on 4/16/21 8:35pm
 Re: Notaries Express - AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! -  JanetK_CA on 4/14/21 2:22pm
 Re: Notaries Express - AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! -  Barbara Rambow on 4/15/21 12:37am
 I'm not really sure myself how to link a post... -  JanetK_CA on 4/15/21 2:01am
 To link a post - Linda_H/FL on 4/15/21 6:05am
 old news- I kicked them to the curb years ago - aanotary on 4/15/21 7:23pm

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